A number of mass media have published misleading information on the economic activities of Ochakov Port recently. In particular, these publications referred to the enterprise's alleged involvement in the illegal schemes of oil products’ import to the customs territory of Ukraine. To disprove those allegations, Ochakov Port officially announces that this information is not true and deems it necessary to report the following.
The enterprise currently has a number of contracts with the companies specializing in supplies of finished oil products. These contracts stipulate provision of the port services to the arriving ships, including: temporary anchorage services, replenishment of supplies, mooring services, removal of sanitary sewage, fresh water bunkerage, waste removal, energy supply, towing services, provision of the board sling and mooring berth for the loading/unloading operations. However, these contracts do not provide for the loading and unloading operations and, respectively, freight inventories and controls to be performed by Ochakov Port.
The counterparty shall complete the freight clearance with the customs and other controlling bodies at its own discretion. The importers shall be fully responsible for the correctness of the customs documentation and other permits. According to the data provided by the companies, the foreign-going vessels have been transporting oil products in the 'import' mode alone since January. These oil products passed full customs clearance at the port of destination with further overload to subsequent means of transportation (ships, barges, road tankers). In this respect, any allegations that Ochakov Port organized the so-called 'transit scheme of oil products imports' are unsound, untrue and harmful for the business reputation of the enterprise.
As for the statements that the ships moved from Ochakov Port to the invisibility zone following the customs clearance of oil products, we should point out that all the coastwise operations between the domestic ports of Ukraine were performed according to the previously declared itineraries. Moreover, the Ochakov radar post of the Armed Forces of Ukraine revealed no facts of any water crafts mooring to the coasting vessels, or any vessels going out to the invisibility zone not covered by Delta Lotsman SE.
We assume that the information campaign launched against our enterprise is an element of a non-competitive fight that is currently ongoing in Ukraine's oil market.
We would like to emphasize that Ochakov Port carries out its commercial activities in strict compliance with the applicable legislation of Ukraine. The enterprise is a responsible taxpayer and employs 180 local residents.
We kindly ask the reporters/journalists to avoid publications of unreliable information. We are open for cooperation and ready to answer all your questions immediately.
Ochakov Port is part to Smart Maritime Group. Construction of the Ochakov commercial sea port in the estuary of the Dnieper-Bug firth started in 2008. The project provides for the construction of a modern deep estuary port with a LASH transport base and a railway branch line with the transhipment capacity up to 20 million tonnes a year.
Coal terminal, grain terminal and terminal for transhipment of iron ore are planned to be built in the port. The water area of the port is planned to be deepened to 15-18 metres. Completion of the port's modernization is planned by 2020.
Currently, the port has facilities for cargo handling in the scope over 0.5 million tonnes per year. The port operates 5 berths with depths of up to 7.35 metres.
Smart Maritime Group (SMG) is the largest shipbuilding holding company of Ukraine. It was founded in 2009 to manage the shipbuilding assets of Smart-Holding. SMG integrates two largest shipbuilding companies of Ukraine, Chernomorsky Shipbuilding Yard and Kherson Shipyard.
Additional information: www.smart-holding.com